Saturday, April 16, 2011

A greener, cleaner India... A better India !!!

We, the people of India.. have descended from some of the world's earliest civilizations..
and it is therefore, unfortunate that India is known to the world as a country with dirty roads, littered grounds and polluted rivers...

If Cleanliness is next to Godliness, do we qualify to call our land God's own Country?

As long as our houses are clean, we do not care about what happens to the environment or the roads.. Little do we know, that the Constitution of India has also given us a Fundamental duty :

To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures.


A journey of a million miles starts with a small first step. Today, hundreds of Indians are fighting for the cause of a corruption free nation. It all started with a small gesture... the suggestion of the anti-graft law.  We, the ordinary people of India may not be able to fore-go our daily lives and participate actively in such movements.  But in our own little ways we can contribute to a building of a better India. Referring to this blog's caption I would say again Lets do what India needs from us. We can either shrug this responsibility off our shoulders, or take corrective action, one step at a time to create a Greener, Cleaner India for our generations to come..

What we can do to build a better India for the future:

plant trees

  • Take care of the environment.  It keeps India alive.

How many trees have you planted till now? 
Resolve to plant at least one tree in your entire lifetime, more frequently if you can. 

note reminding to turn off the lights to save energy

  • Save energy. You'll save money too. India will save power.

At the end of your working day, switch off your computers. Many of us leave the computers at our desk on overnight to save the switch-on time for the next morning. Lets avoid that. We can at least do this much.

    lpg gas wasted by burning stove

  • You don't have the right to waste natural resources. You did not create any!

Save petrol by turn your engine off while waiting for the signal to go green. 
Cook food in closed utensils to save LPG.

  • Be responsible on the Indian road.. 

Road Accident in India
You may be an excellent driver.. but we want responsible ones.. When you break a traffic rule.. you inspire hundreds of others to do so.  Let's foster the culture of obeying traffic rules.. Speeding up is not cool !!
Follow rules. Wear Helmet. For nothing but your own safety.
Carry your driving license. Keep Documents updated.  You will not have to bribe a traffic cop.. thereby sparing corruption.

  • Teach your Kids to avoid chucking trash on the roads.  Be a role model first.
If you can behave in foreign nations.. learn to behave in your own.

Indian throwing garbage on clean road
Is this a sign of an educated person and good upbringing?

  • Stay Alert. 

Avoid accidents and disasters. Report any unusual and suspicious activity if you notice them. Make yourselves safe first.
  • Save money in every way you can. Invest. Grow. But do pay your taxes honestly!
  • Preserve our heritage. Foster our culture. Be good to foreigners.

Simple things... that won't take much of our time or cost money.. just a little bit of care !!!
All that it requires is a li'l common sense and responsibilty.

Is this so difficult?

Many more simple things can be done... You are invited to add below in comments!!!


Bhagwan said...

Some more suggestion;
1) Give respect take respect
2) Be honest with ,whatever u do
3) Better education

lots more

Hayat in search of..... said...

Why India...make it our mother earth ;)...specially to me :D

priyanka said...

Yes.. little things which benefit not only us.. our nation, but also the planet... :)

priyanka said...

Keep your vehicle emission levels low.
Practice carpooling.

Bangaloreans, avoid travelling by auto. These vehicles have high emission.. and Auto-wallahs usually over-charge you either by demand.. or through tampered meters. Also, in Bangalore autos are a cause of road congestion...

It is best to travel by bus, carpool or walk...!! :)