Monday, July 18, 2011

On the 2nd Partiton of Bengal...

" WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Thus goes the preamble of our very own Constitution and it feels indeed very sad that we have utterly failed to give ourselves the things we promised. Above all other things we have failed to give ourselves Unity...!!!

The hard hitting truth today is that India stands divided.. divided by geography, by economy and above all by its own People. While we make huge declarations on the strength of Unity, we ourselves are taking it away from ourselves!

We live in a mystical land. The vernacular changes in every 250 KM within India. Its a cradle of great civilizations and many many languages. Every region in India has a fresh tradition. And if I were to present a picture-perfect description of my nation.. I would go on to say how we have great Unity despite our diversity. I really hope for such a harmonious existence for all of us but let's face it..

हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, सिक्ख, इसाई... पहले मज़हबो में बटा इन्सान..

सांझे में अब और कुच्छ क्या रखना, जब बट ही गया भगवान्..

तो बाटी धरती, बाटी नदियाँ, हमने फिर बाट लिया आसमान

अब बटने को कुछ बचा नहीं.. सो बाँट रहे है हिंदुस्तान !!!

-- प्रियंका गर्ग

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let's start being Indians.... :-)

We, the people of  India.. have got a lot of credit for doing great work.. and unfortunately, we are also known for all the wrong things. 

It isn't funny that there are terms coined upon us, and people around the world take us for granted in certain aspects. For instance, "Indian Punctuality", "Indian Mentality".. "Indian Roads"...

When it comes to our RIGHTS.. we all rush, shout and fight for them... But Many of us are not aware that, along with the fundamental rights the Constitution has also given us some Fundamental Duties

Unfortunately, like the Rights, the Fundamental Duties are not legally Binding on Indians and that is probably why.. we coolly shrug these responsibilities off our shoulders.

The following are the Fundamental Duties prescribed by the Constitution of India under PART [IV-A] to every citizen :

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How many Deaths will It take to be Known, That too many people have Died..???

Mumbai has been shaken again! ...before our wounds of 26/11 had dried up, India bleeds again..
and to chaff upon our injuries comes the toothless assurance of our Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh... saying Blasts will be prevented in future... Little does he realise that the future is now... !!!!

Our Home Minister rules out intelligence glitch.

and as if that wasn't enough... Rahul Gandhi, a person who projects himself as the future Prime minister, goes ahead to tell that blasts cannot be avoided.

Whatever happened to the brave hearts of the Indian leaders?

In short they are resigned to the assumption that people will continue to die and nothing can be done about it, except what the PM has now done... roll out lakhs of rupees as compensation...
This is a routine that happens after every attack that happens on the Indian soil. 

In 1965 when Pakistan threatened us, Lal Bahadur Shastri, the Prime Minister then, said
"Force will be met with force." 
On 15th August 1965, he sent a clear message to Pakistan, declaring from the ramparts of the Red Fort: 
"It does not matter if we are destroyed. We will fight to the last to maintain the high honor of the Indian nation and its flag."
When China Intimidated India on basis of false allegations, Lal Bahadur Shastri said : 
"China's allegation is untrue. If China attacks India it is our firm resolve to fight for our freedom. The might of China will not deter us from defending our territorial integrity."

The mixed and confused responses of our silent Manmohan Singh, is a sharp contrast to the response of our Ex- Prime Minister Latr Lal Bahadur Shastri.
While Shastriji drew India's potrait of a nation that cannot be torn down by attacks.. the current Prime Minster is potraying us as a nation to weak to protect itself and too shy to express itself? 

What has happened in the past 10 years? We have born every attack silently... 

Terrorist rise and strike.. we get hurt.. we get killed.. we bleed.. we weep... 
and then it is all forgotten!!

Take a look at the data yourself :